Tuesday 6 March 2018

Come on losers we're climbing Ben'Ann

So my pal wanted to climb Ben'ann for her birthday. Only God knows why.
It seemed like a good idea at the time but then we started to climb. Now i ain't a sporty person. I suck at all sports and my general fitness level is legit appalling. So I think we can all agree that i am a top pal for going along with this.
It took us a wee while to even get there nevermind climb the thing. Kept taking the wrong road but "thankfully" we got there.

Bomber Jacket: New Look £20
Hoodie: H&M £14.99
Leggings:H&M £20
Shoes: Nike £69
Hat: Newcastle United FC Official Shop
It took us less than a hour to climb up Ben'Ann to my horror we power walked up the thing. The views were unreal. The mud was not. I try and be this "I love the outdoors and natural gal" but i'm not ! It's pretty to look at from a far preferably at a bar with a cocktail in hand. It didn't exactly have a cosmopolitan at the top.. but the next best thing MD 20/20 Strawberry flavour. It has never tasted as good than it did as i planked myself on that rock. Hill walking is not fun for me, it's a workout and a chance to see a bit of my country that I love so much but that's it. I moaned the whole way up and the whole way down.
The climb down wasn't as bad to be fair because it was raining the whole time the rocks were slippy and very very muddy. I couldn't wait to get back home and go for a nice bath before heading out for some more MD 20/20 and a boogie. With that in mind, I skipped down that mountain only to find that my pal's car had a flat tyre. Can I get a woop woop? Actually knackered after climbing  a mountain in the rain and mud and on the way back my pal gets a flat tyre! Who plans this stuff?! Luckily a couple of the guys we were with knew how to change a tyre. Now you can woop woop.

My outfit was all cheeky little sale items picked up on the mighty internet.
Top: Lazy Oaf £20
Trousers: Zara £19.99
Shoes: Asos £30

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