Tuesday 6 March 2018

New Years Resolutions 2018

Another year is almost over.. hip hip hoorah (another step closer to 30).
This year has been a fast one but also a long one. We went to Berlin in February and it honestly feels like it was agessssss ago! Alas, a brand spanking new year approaches with more adventures and it's already looking like a busy one!
I like to make resolutions every year whether I manage to stick to them or not is another story. For 2017, my New Years resolutions were to read more books which I have successful accomplished as I absolutely love reading now and probably read about one book a month! Proud of myself haha! The other was to blog more and of course you have probably noticed that I have wrote a lot more than last year.
1. Take more pictures

I can sense people rolling their eyes at that one as I am pretty active on all social media haha but what I mean by that is that I would really love to take more pictures and print them off. God knows how many pictures I take on a yearly basis and literally have nothing but my instagram as a reference.
2. Exercise more

I can sense the laughter guys. During 2017 I tried so many different forms of exercise ie Pilates, yoga, circuits, PT sessions! I am still on a mission to find my ideal exercise platform. Please comment below any suggestions. People say it's good for the soul and that so since 2018 is a sort of "eat pray love" year... bring it oan!
3. Vlog

I WILL VLOG IN 2018. I have been trying to find the time to put together on vlog channel and I just can’t or quite simply don’t! I have done a lot of research on it and asked fellow blogs for advice so the only thing that’s left for me to do is DO IT!
4. Drink less

Yup you read that right. I have been drinking pretty heavily since I was “18”. I remember my first hangover after a house party in bishy, i consumed a bottle of white wine and a mwi riot was born. Ah memories. Recently, I have no being feeling it.  So i am going to find bigger and better ways of tackling a bad day or having a good old dance on a night out.

5. Be more organised

Would you believe that I am already starting to get organised for January. Go me! This is personal quality that I have trying to drum into me for the last 10 Years or so so yasss we’re nearly there. My mother in law always has about 3 of everything ie shampoo, moisturiser, that stuff! To me she is Organisation goals and my own mother is forever early for everything! She is time keeping goals as I am always late! Thanks ladies you guys rock my world!

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